I Always Feel Like... Somebody's Watching Me!

Monday, September 11, 2023

Mr. Finian goes to Pre-K

Anyone that knows Finian knows that he can be... a lot. He has big, big feelings. He lets you know about these big feelings - and it's usually your fault. 

He has been so happy this summer with outdoor time, smashing things with hammers, searching for bugs, swimming in the pool (yelling "1, 2, 3 applesauce and jumping in) and learning how to ride a bike without training wheels. 

Finian is our COVID quarantine child. He was shy of a year when we locked down and I stopped leaving the house for work. It's hard to know whether it's his personality or the circumstances - but it's fair to say he's been the most challenging. Lots of separation anxiety when he was in the nursery at the school where I teach. Lots of stranger danger. Lots of general mayhem!!! He has very little patience for us as parents and like I said, his feelings are big. 

Big feelings can also be positive, though. We always thought he was a touch angry before he could talk - simply because he really wanted to express himself. He cries deeply when his feelings are hurt and often needs to mend with a hug before he can carry on. He wants personal connection for every minute of the day. 

All of these things made us feel really apprehensive about preschool. We imagined tearful tantrums in the parking lot and constant dread about the next school day. Part of it was my own making because I signed him up (excitedly) for the full day program. A lot of our friends said, "oh man, how's he going to do?!?" 

I am happy to report that now, in our third week of school, he's doing wonderfully. His teacher is fantastic and engaging - it takes a special skill of distraction to get those nervous 4 year olds in the door. We have had a few mornings where Finian says, "I'm nervous" or "it's going to be a long day". I've also bribed him with the promises of bubble gum and the Dollar store after school. I'm at that point of parenting where I don't care if that's the right approach - it's what works. 

The best part has been some pretty epic stories about school. Straight up lies. 😂 First, he had a friend named Drip Dropp (which is an awesome hip hop name) - but now if we ask about Drip... he gets mad that we mention it. Because DUH, that wasn't real. He also supposedly has a friend named Jake in his class that can also drive. And someone named Grim... who I think is really Graham. 

My friend Sharon can bear witness to the true Finian when he is let out of school at 2:35. First, he was nice and said hello. Then asked if I had watermelon gum. (I did not.) He then threw his backpack on the ground, said "I'm not leaving. Go get me gum." I was able to drag him to the car where Sharon was waiting. Somehow, magically, in sync with the universe, she had watermelon gum!!! And he was happy again until he got annoyed with us for "making him smile". 

So, we can't really win for long - but we're winning in the school department for now. 

And we're really in his best season. This little guy loves Halloween and we're making the rounds to every retail establishment to press buttons, look at creepy spiders and buy costume accessories. 

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