I Always Feel Like... Somebody's Watching Me!

Monday, March 20, 2023


  I am a calendar person. I love to cross days off with a big X, have countdowns to exciting events and write schedules in calendar journals. I like looking at the current month and also looking ahead. 

 The waiting game over the last month has given my calendar-centric behavior new direction. 

 First it was waiting for pathology results and then waiting for a scan. And after all of the information was collected, I kept telling people - March 13th, March 13th!! -  that's when we will have a solid plan! And now with that plan - I am watching the days on the calendar pass, X by X, until the chemotherapy portion of my treatment begins. 


 Chemotherapy will begin on March 27th. I am scheduled to have an infusion every two weeks over the course of four months. This all depends on my ability to stay healthy enough to get said treatments. They will test my blood each Monday scheduled to ensure I've regained enough white blood cells to continue. 

 The standard treatment plan, or at least in my type and stage of breast cancer, is to use two different types of chemo to attack the cancer - kind of f&ck with it in case it decides to defend itself from the first chemo. If anyone is curious about which types of chemo - well, send me a message because I'm still learning the difference between the medical name and the brand name. I do know that the first one is very strong - and has the nickname of the "red devil". A friend more aptly described it as sounding like the big red Kool-Aid man... and I like that visualization much, much better! So me and big red will meet to destory the two tumors that started this nonsense. 

First chemo drugs vs second chemo drugs will have different potential side effects - we talked in length about them with the pharmacist this morning. I will almost definitely lose my hair. I've gone back and forth considering the cold cap system... but that deserves a post of its own. I will experience nausea but hopefully the pre-treatments and multiple anti-nausea drugs will help. I am no stranger to the power of Zofran from my gallbladder problems. I will combat bone pain and fatigue. I've also gone down a couple internet wormholes reading about neuropathy and chemo brain. I could have all of these or none - but the Girl Scout in me just wants to be informed and prepared.

 At the end of chemotherapy treatment (hopefully on July 3rd!), my surgical options will be revisited. In a world where everything goes as planned, my tumors will be greatly reduced and I will only need a lumpectomy and few lymph nodes removed. As for radiation, it's been discussed - but don't know for sure. 

As for our emotions over here, I feel one million times better knowing the where, when and how. I'm not looking forward to discomfort and the disruption of my life - but I also feel very "carried" through all of this. All of the well wishes and concern are like this blanket I can carry with me to hold close through all of the uncomfortable procedures. We created the Meal Train calendar just last week and I'm blown away by the donations and commitments made to help get meals to my family over the next four months. Even a little weight lifted, responsibility and financially speaking, has already given me more resolve to get through this treatment and take care of myself foremost. I, of course, will continue to "Mom" from either the couch or wherever I find energy to be - but taking away the task of meals is a life saver. 

 We are so very grateful! Thanks for reading my cancer edition of the day. 


  1. Sending you love, strength & prayers to carry you through this. Lauren

  2. You can do this, Alexis! Sending love and encouragement. Mary

  3. I’m with you wherever you need me.

  4. You’ve got this Gorgeous!!!!!

  5. You’ve got this Gorgeous!!!

  6. Khaylen StantonMonday, March 20, 2023

    Information and a plan always helps with the knowledge that said plan can change at any moment. You got this and F$CK this cancer. One minute, hour, day at a time. Soak in the good things and deal with the bad the best you can. Ugly crying and throwing things is extremely acceptable. We love you!!

  7. Love you friend. I am praying. ๐Ÿ’•

  8. So glad you are being taken care of while going through this! That is all the love and caring you’ve given coming back to you. Sending you all the love ๐Ÿ’•
