I Always Feel Like... Somebody's Watching Me!

Sunday, April 23, 2023

And in Delphine's World

Most of you know that Delphine had the most dramatic entrance to the world, out of all our children. Her bathtub debut is a story we love to re-tell to her, and she's grasping more and more of it as she gets older. "You mean babies come out of WHERE"? :)

She's been a great motivator and truth teller in the past couple of months - as all seems to be moving along wonderfully in her 6 year old world. First birthday parties with friends, attending a Q & U wedding in her kindergarten classroom, learning Tiktok dances and learning to read! 

We have a wide array of ages in our household, so the sweetness of this age is not lost on us. She's willing to tag along to stores or watch movies or comfort me and say "I wish you never had the cancer." Me too, girlfriend. 

Here are a few photos to share all of the excitement of being 6! Including the first lost tooth (which we think either went down the sink with toothpaste or was swallowed. We'll never know!) 

Reading to me while I relax on the couch

Enjoying the karaoke machine while in Tennessee

Because everyone takes a selfie (or a DELPHIE!) after a long day at Dollywood

What I tend to find on my phone every time it is left unattended

First lost tooth!!!

With curled hair, ready for a night at the movies. 


  1. Love her and your entire family

  2. She is such a blessing. Love her spirit and personality! I am so glad our girls found each other too so you and I could as well!
