I Always Feel Like... Somebody's Watching Me!

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Annual Library Book Sale!

There are so many holidays, traditions, birthdays and events throughout the year that bridge the now and the past. You can't help but think about where you were a year ago on Christmas or your last birthday. 

We have fireworks in July and countdowns at the end of the year. Marking our very inconsequential votes for at home viewing of the Academy Awards. We put candles on birthday cakes and there's all the things that come with home ownership. Take out the patio furniture, bring it in. Placing our indoor plants out in the spring sunshine, where they make up for a dormant winter. 

One of my personal annual events is the library book sale. Oh, how I try to stay away. I tell myself, DUDE - you have no business bringing more books into your house. Bookshelves and book bins are overflowing and the personal pile next to my bed is ummm, out of control. And let's not talk about while I have all of these physical books at the ready - I'm still downloading and requesting e-books regularly. Like four at a time regularly. 

But every year I go and buy the $5 bag that can be filled to the brim. I look at cookbooks and hard cover non-fiction and always find something that is on my Goodreads "want to read" list. 

Last year I went to the book sale only a few days after shaving my head. I wore my baseball cap/wig combo and hoped I didn't look obviously wigged. It's kind of magical to think about how much and how little changes in a years time. 

And my prize this year was a book that no one needed and no one will read but I laughed so hard when I saw it... 

From one immature person to the next, I hope you have something like the book sale where you can make entirely irresponsible choices for only $5.